My first curatorial project born out of boredom and contemplation of an ever-dry shower.  Video by Mary Hovsepyan This temporary exhibition that maintained its working title - “Shit Museum”, was born out of boredom and many-many short minutes making up long hours of contemplation in…

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Diaries: apparently rejected 

Some works from an exhibition entry that was never officially accepted or rejected. I have a hard time smalltalking but behind the screen I am one of those flasher-dudes who only wait for someone to make an eye contact with them to show what's under…

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Red beads, golden earrings

This is a [yet] poorly structured pre-memoir about the village where my parents come from and where my sister Nara and I spent 2 summers and 1 winter. This is an effort to write all I remember about the unique world of an Armenian community…

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🌟 Hello, who are you? 🌟

Don't worry it's totally anonymous!